Patient Resources Blue Light and Your Eyes Cataract Facts Cataracts Facts in SPANISH Causes of Uveitis Common Eye Myths Contact Lenses and the Risk for Infections Diabetes & Your Eyes Diabetes+Eyes+Mental Health Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) Diabetic Retinopathy Facts & Risks Diabetic Retinopathy Risk Quiz Dry Eyes DryAMD Factsheet Dx Diabetic Retinopathy, Tx & Prevention Floaters Geographic Atrophy Glaucoma Checklist in SPANISH Glaucoma Checklist Glaucoma EyeQ Test Guide to Cataract Surgery HIV AIDS and the Eye Inherited-Retinal-Diseases-Factsheet Keratitis Keratoconus-Fact-Sheet Low Vision Assistance Nutritional Supplements and Vision PBAMD_Fact-Sheet22 Pregnancy and Your Vision RefractiveErrorandVisualAcuity Safe Use of Eye Cosmetics Smoking and Vision Sunglasses Symptomatic Vitreomacular Adhension Taking Your Eyedrop Medication in SPANISH Taking Your Eyedrop Medication Thyroid Eye Disease Fact Sheet Tips for living with AMD Understanding Dry Eye Uveitis Fact Sheet Uveitis Patient Guide Brochures & Handouts Cataract from NIH Cataract from AAO Cataract Surgery Cataract Surgery Intraocular Lens Multifocal Option Glaucoma from AAO Glaucoma from NIH 5 things to know about Glaucoma Diabetic Retinopathy Diabetic Retinopathy What You Should Really Know Headache Macular Degeneration from AAO Macular Degeneration (ARMD) from NIH Macular Degeneration and nutritional supplements Macular Pucker Spanish Cataract from AAO Spanish Cataract from NIH Spanish Diabetic Retinopathy Spanish Glaucoma from AAO Spanish Glaucoma from NIH Spanish 5 cosas que debe saber sobre el Glaucoma Spanish Macular Degeneration Spanish Dry Eyes Proper Instillation of Eye Drops Dry Eyes Blepharitis from AAO Pinguecula-Pterygium Stye-Chalazion Floater and Flashes Uveitis YAG Posterior Capsulotomy Glaucoma Laser Peripheral Iridotomy (LPI) Glaucoma Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT) Glaucoma Drainage Implant Glaucoma Trabeculectomy Surgery